Wednesday, August 10, 2011

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Mantrayana sau "calea mantrelor, calea rostirilor sacre" in limba sanskrita, este calea exprimarii de dincolo de cuvinte, a limbajului ce-si transcende granitele spatiului geografic,  a muzicii care are o singura tema: Sacrul. Explorand adancurile sufletului pe aripile invizibile ale unor instrumente muzicale precum hang - o inventie recenta cu un sound ambiental, eteric, meditativ, sau alte intrumente de o mare bogatie armonica precum bansuri (flaut indian), djembe (percutie orientala) sau altele, Mantrayana vine cu un sound fresh dar care evoca culturile ancestrale intr-un ritm euforic, imploziv. O muzica simpla dar patrunzatoare.

Infiintata in vara 2011, Mantrayana ii are ca membri pe Iulian Lazarciuc (hang, djembe) si Szilamer Farcas (voce, flaut, bansuri, fluier, caval, 12-strings guitar), ambii din Timisoara, Romania.

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English Version

Mantrayana or "the path of the mantras, the path of sacred utterance" in Sanskrit, is the path of expression beyond words, of language that transcends the boundaries of its geographical space, of music that has a single theme: the Sacredness. Exploring the depths of the soul on a ride with the invisible wings of such musical instruments as hang - a recent invention with a unique form as an UFO, crowned by an ambient sound, ethereal, meditative, or other instruments of great harmonic richness as bansuri (Indian flute), sitar (India), djembe (percussion oriental) or other ones, Mantrayana brings a fresh sound which evoks the ancestral cultures in a euphoric rhythm, implosive. A simple but penetrating music.

Established in summer 2011, Mantrayana has as members: Iulian Lazarciuc (hang, djembe) and Szilamer Farkas (vocals, flute, bansuri, flute, Kavala, 12-strings guitar ), both from Timisoara, Romania.

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1 comment:

  1. 23 Martie 2012
    Domnilor, tocmai v-am vazut la Romanii au Talent !
    Bravo !
    Pacat ca nu au dat la televizor tot momentul ...
    Felicitari !!

    Victor Fomino
